NOTE: Search by standard numbers for best results Australian Standard AS 1289.6.9.1: Methods for testing soils for engineering purposes- Method 6.9.1: Soil Strength and Consolidation test - Determination of stiffness of soil - Clegg Impact Value (CIV).ASTM Standard (US) - covers use of any Clegg Hammer D 5874 - Standard Test Method for Determination of the Impact Value (IV) of a Soil. ASTM Standard for testing of turf using the 2.25 kg Clegg Hammer F 1702 - Standard Test Method for Measuring Shock-Attenuation Characteristics of Natural Playing Surface Systems Using Lightweight Portable Apparatus. ASTM Standard for testing of foil fencing services using the 2.25 kg Clegg Hammer F 1543 - Standard Specification for Shock Attenuation Properties of Fencing Services. ASTM Standard for testing of American football grounds using a 9.1 kg Apparatus (a 9.1kg Clegg Hammer may be suitable) F 1936 - Standard Specification for Shock-Absorbing Properties of North American Football Field Playing Systems as Measured in the Field e-mail: service | AT | local.astm.org *note: titles may vary over time |